經過兩個多月的規劃及荷鋤整地,慈心農場將正式命名為小鸚鵡農場,並於 3/3 ​對全體學員做 Open House​。 3/3 星期六 早上 10:00 – 下午 3:00 歡迎您攜眷一起來參加!

我們特別邀請園藝專家 Steven Brenner 來教大家如何維持土壤的健康。此外,當天除了有在園遊會搶購一空的甘蔗汁、胡蘿蔔汁,還有烤地瓜、蒸包子、BBQ、咖啡、甜點等;下午則有多肉植物小盆栽 DIY 課程,活動精彩,不容錯過,趕快報名,一起來學習做個慈心人!

* 現場義賣收入將贊助農場營運

報 名


Steven Brenner  是 University of California Cooperative Extension 加州大學合作推廣的園藝專家。 除在 UC Master Gardner program 受訓之外,也在不同農場實習過,經驗豐富,這次授課之後,還會有更多機會請教。

UC Master Gardner Program 》

Since 1981, the University of California Master Gardener Program has been extending UC research-based information about home horticulture and pest management to the public. The UC Master Gardener Program is a public service and outreach program under the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, administered locally by participating UC Cooperative Extension county offices.

The UC Master Gardener Program is an example of an effective partnership between the University of California and passionate volunteers. In exchange for training from the University, UC Master Gardeners offer volunteer services and outreach to the general public in more than 50 California counties. Last year 6,116 active UC Master Gardener volunteers donated 398,265 hours, and 5.4+ million hours have been donated since the program’s inception.